Hello! I'm Suzannah, a serious DIYer and mom of two little ones. Follow along with my DIY fixer upper house renovations, sewing and crafty projects, real food recipes, and de-stressing goals.
I believe you can love your home just the way it is, AND have the power to design and make big changes to make it better.
I'm also the author of DIY Wardrobe Makeovers!

More little blogging tips

Not long ago I posted about some things I've learned about sewing/home dec/crafty blogging.  I really enjoyed hearing from some of you readers who are new bloggers or who read my blog and had ideas for me!  I love how we can all help each other out!

So here are a few more little tips for ya.  In addition to the first three I mentioned...

Suzannah's blogging tip #4: Search feature.

Please, oh, please, add a Search widget on your blog!  On Blogger this is really easy--it's one of the widgets you can put anywhere you please.  I have one on my right sidebar a few images down.  It's really helpful if someone sees something on your blog but doesn't remember exactly when it was.  Using keywords, people can find your posts.  You want that, right!?  Tags are helpful for this, too, but searching is way easier.

Suzannah's blogging tip #5: Make it easy for people to follow you.

There are so many great tools out there for following blogs (I just got a Bloglovin' account and love it! Here's my blog on it), so it's great to have lots of easy one-click ways for people to follow you.  Blogger, Twitter, RSS, Bloglovin'... add buttons for people to connect with you!

Suzannah's blogging tip #6: Pinterest!

I looove Pinterest (duh. Who doesn't?).  But, it's also a great way to introduce people to blogs!  I've found a lot of fave blogs through it.  So, take great pictures that people want to pin, for one, and you can create a board for your faves from your blog.  A tutorials board, a board for special projects... when they're on Pinterest already, they're a lot easier for people to pass around and get linked back to you from!  And, it's so much fun.  You can also look at anything that's pinned from your blog, click on the link, and see all the pics people have pinned from your site!!  And, you can get a Pin It! button for the bottom of your posts to make it even easier for people to pin your stuff.


  1. I got an email from a follower saying she couldn't find my follow button, but I have no idea why! I might have to try bloglovin

  2. Thanks for the tips!!

  3. You're SO right about the search bar! I use searchbars on other people's blog all the time, and totally forgot to put one in mine!

  4. Glad I reminded you, Bobonne!

    Yeah Bloglovin' is awesome, @Kara!

  5. I would add to this. Wish some bloggers would have their posts in "categories." Not all do. Nothing more frustrating than finding a blog I know I will love, want to go back and see all the projects...only to find I can't view by projects...or whatever they call it. If I have to keep clicking "older posts" I end up leaving. JMHO.

  6. How do you add a "Pin It" button to the bottom of your post? Thanks!

  7. I second the "Pin It" question! I love pinterest and would love to have my blog get the kind of circulation that other blogs have. Thanks for the tips, it encouraged me to start taking another look at my blog.

  8. Sharing ideas to people can be a big help for them to have more reference materials. It would be a lot easier for them to find things they need. Thank you so much.

  9. Yours was one of the first blogs I found over bloglovin :)Got a bloglovin button myself, since I don't twitter. But thanks to your post - I'm thinking about getting a Pinterest account :)

    i was so worried about not having the proper time for my blog layout (dspite having an IT engineer at home), I'm glad people still appreciate content more than layout or pics alone!


    1. Cool, glad you found me! Pinterest is great, definitely get it--I love how it's so easy to embed photos into your posts and they include the proper credit, so you don't have to manually do "source" or "via" hyperlinks for each image.



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